F.Lorée Etoile Oboe

รหัสสินค้า : F.Lorée Etoile Oboe


0.00 THB

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F.Lorée Etoile Oboe

This new model, which has a different bore construction, offers a freer blowing instrument which is less physically demanding, but still possesses a rich and full tone especially in the second octave.

“cE+3” Full conservatory plateau system

Grenadilla wood – silver-plated keys

All trill keys – 3rd octave key

Forked F resonance key

Left hand F key

Low B flat resonance key

Adjustable thumb rest – Tenons with dual metal reinforcement

Adjustment screw to regulate the height of the medium C key

High D facilitator

This model is also available in full automatic system (Ref. “gE+3“)

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