F.Lorée ROYAL 125 Oboe

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F.Lorée ROYAL 125 Oboe

For the F.Lorée 125th Anniversary in 2006, the 125 “série limitée” model is created. Thanks to its great success, F.Lorée creates the ROYAL 125 oboe, which keeps the main specificities of the previous model.

“cR+3-125” Full conservatory plateau system

Grenadilla wood – silver-plated keys

All trill keys – 3rd octave key

Forked F resonance key

Left hand F key

Low B flat resonance key


Special features of the ROYAL 125 Oboe:

Includes the special features of the ROYAL Oboe, and also:

Large gold-plated reed well

High D facilitator

10-year dried grenadilla wood

Gold-plated rings and posts

This model is also available in full automatic system (Ref. “gR+3-125“)

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